Tempest is a black box theatre, which means that here imagination is everything. With creativity, compassion, and courage, we explore our shared world in ways that entertain, enlighten, and provoke thought. Are you ready for an unexpected journey?
Join us behind the black curtain for performances, classes and special events and get ready for something special.
Join us behind the black curtain for performances, classes and special events and get ready for something special.
Upcoming Classes
with Kate Twa starting February 22, 2025 |
Get Involved
Training at Tempest is delivered by world class instructors actively working in their fields of expertise. Whether you're just starting out, or you're honing your craft, Tempest seeks to help you hit the mark. ON STAGE /
Tempest puts emphasis on fresh, contemporary, classical and original works. A performance at Tempest is an opportunity for conversation and growth. Don't miss a single show - sign up to our mailing list! PATREON /
Top up your creativity and entertainment with a Tempest Patreon subscription. Training, stories, short films, interviews, exclusive behind-the-scenes footage, class & show discounts. And you're supporting the ongoing operations at Tempest. It's hard to beat. #peoplepoweredcreativity SPONSOR /
Our audiences can be your prospective customers, and influencers within their social circles. Your name and brand will be associated with a high quality, award winning local arts company offering a unique arts experience in our community. |
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We announce all our upcoming news through our mailing list. Don't miss out!